4H » 4H


Todd County 4-H is for any 9-19 year old in Todd County. The After School 4-H Craft Club meets one Wednesday a month after school until 4:15 p.m. in the art room and is open to all 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students. Sign up with the Family Resource Center, Mrs. Sarah Evans and bring a note from home in order to stay after school for this club.  As a member of the school 4-H club, each student will receive a monthly newsletter announcing the other 4-H clubs that meet around the county such as shooting sports, horse, cooking and our summer 4-H camp.

Everyone is welcome to attend these 4-H club meetings coordinated by:  4-H Youth Development Agent – Lee Ann McCuiston 

[email protected] or 270-265-5659  - located in the Courthouse/Extension Office.


UK 4-H Todd County


Kentucky 4-H Foundation


UK 4-H
